Sunday, October 03, 2004


This and That...

Listening to : "Com Lag: 2+2 = 5" by Radiohead (Import made for Japan)

Wearing: Blue

Eating: "La Turca" Doritos (Turkish variey of Doritos)

Drinking: Water. But lately I've been drinking more tea than usual (as opposed to coffee). Hmmm...

Feeling: Contemplative (as opposed to omniscient)

Latest Obsession: French Films.
Most recently I watched "Monsieur Ibrahim".
An excellent film (starring Egyptian film-legend Omar Sharif actually). It's a coming-of-age story about a young Jewish boy who befriends an elderly Muslim (Sufi) gentleman... There is some great dialogue in this movie.
There was one scene in particular which had a profound effect on me.
(I won't mention it, so I don't ruin it for anyone). You must see this film. Really...

Quote of the day: "There are trivial truths and there are great truths. The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. The opposite of a great truth is also true"--- Neils Bohr (Physicist/Mathematician)

Haiku of the day:
Still uninspired
Still wired and still tired
Still un-acquired

And I will leave you with the following thought:
"Common sense is what tells you that the world is flat"
(A quote from the "Principia Discordia").

The movies: I get them from here and there... (You'd be surprised what the little stores in Hawalli have). The last one was from a friend of mine--he has all sorts of obscure goodies.

The quotes: I'm always reading weird things. And "The Principia" is my modern-day-acid-trip-words-of-wisdom outlet. Cuz "Everybody I know who is right always agrees with me" (another one of their genius quotes)

The last line from the haiku: LOL. I didn't realize it made me sound like that to "the fellas". And your response---well, I'm extremely flattered :)
Enjoyed a lot! »
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