Saturday, November 20, 2004


An Article on Articles

Of clothing that is...

From last Wednesday’s (Nov.17th) "Arab Times" newspaper.
(Featured on the bottom of page 1, then cont’d on page 6)

Here it is "verbatim" (poor grammar and all):


Day by Day:

According to sources one of the girls schools (name withheld) presented precious gifts to two students in front of all others at the morning assembly for wearing hejab.

From what we know prizes and gifts are given to those students who excel in their studies. Prizes are not distributed for social behaviour, which itself is under dispute. This may upset other students who are not wearing hejab. They may feel they are following deviant behaviour, which is not accepted by our religion, and may feel forced to follow suit.

Religion is for Allah, the country and all of us. It’s time the Education Minister makes a move.

by Zahad Matar


I don’t think I’ll even comment on this one...

I'll comment on this post, since no one else has...

Here's what I think about the "gift-giving for donning a 7ijab" -- I think it's BULLSHIT!

WTF? I wear a 7ijab and get extra credit at school?
Extra credit religiously-- Yes.
But at school?

Don't get me wrong.
I am not against the idea of 7ijab.
I understand the purpose.
My mother wears one. Most of my female relatives do. And believe it or not, I might wear one someday too. ((GASP))

NOTE: I will write a follow-up post on this topic, probably with a title along the lines of "The Veil Conundrum" or "The Fabric of Feminism" and how I believe you CAN be a feminist and wear a 7ijab, because the two are independent of each other... A piece of fabric does not hinder/repress a woman, or her mind, or her actions...etc. blah. yadda... Dude, I can go on and on. (like I said, I will elaborate on this in a later post).

However, I just think it's ridiculous to give out rewards for something like this in an academic environment...

I'm worried about the fate of Kuwait.

(I hate rhyming phrases like that)
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