Monday, November 08, 2004
I Am A Corporate Vandal...

The corporate Antichrist.
Everytime I go into one, I end up doing this (been doing it for a couple years now).
I block out the letters to create what you see here. I always carry like 10 pens in my bag at all times, and I usually do this on the paper cups...
Last time however, a certain someone (who shall remain nameless), encouraged me to have some "Cojones" and do it on an actual porcelain mug.
So being the rebellious "deviant" that I am, I whipped out my "Sharpie" (permanent marker--cuz I always carry one around) and I went to work...
So there you have it...
My iconic tribute to this corporate-coffee-giant.
And I shall leave you with something I wrote years ago (back in 1999)
(note: look at their logo when you read this---it will make more sense that way).
"Semi-Ode to Starbucks"
The Mark of the Beast
The Sign
The Star -- Precious Pentagram
The Woman -- Bewitching Temptress of Evil
The Waves -- A sign of The Flood that is to come
Drowning all of humanity...
Enslaving the world
With her potent drink
Leaving all
And penniless...
Disclaimer: I realize I am a hypocrite by continuing to visit their cafes. I admit it. In terms of "java quality" I think Costa is better. Even Second Cup is better.
In fact, most places serve better coffee. It's just that there are so many god-damned Starbucks' all over the place, that you can't help but stumble into one.
Every damn mall, coop society, educational and recreational facility, hotel, health club and coming soon to a Diwaniya near you with their over-priced, over-hyped, frappe-iced-this and strawberry-that and the ultra-evil caramel macchiatto (umm.. wait, I kinda like that one... Nix that last thought.)
So, with that said, I hope I start my little clan of Starbucks deviants.
Go! Go I tell you...
Vandalize their mugs and cups. Do it with pride and tell 'em Amunki sent you.
Remember, for every "fuck off" you create, 100 fils will be donated to the:
"Save the Iraqi Children (from ever having to try this shitty coffee)" Foundation.
So, think of the children...
---Have a nice day---
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In our university, this corporate beast is not allowed to display its diabolic logo- instead they operate under the name "Java 901"
... and in saudi i remember it was only the star on the pale-witch that appears. maskeena!
... and in saudi i remember it was only the star on the pale-witch that appears. maskeena!
Thanks for the comments folks.
Shady: Your link won't load. I'll try again later.
UZF: Java 901. That actually sounds cooler...
And yeah, I think I've seen the Saudi version with the "7ijab" cloaking all around her face. I hate the logo, but I mean come on---it's a black and white figure-ground minimal drawing where the hair is a few wavy lines... Jeeeez...
7ata hathee feeha 7aram?
And oh by the way, check this out
Shady: Your link won't load. I'll try again later.
UZF: Java 901. That actually sounds cooler...
And yeah, I think I've seen the Saudi version with the "7ijab" cloaking all around her face. I hate the logo, but I mean come on---it's a black and white figure-ground minimal drawing where the hair is a few wavy lines... Jeeeez...
7ata hathee feeha 7aram?
And oh by the way, check this out
You have a mere sugar packet...
You call that evidence?
I have photographs featuring distinguishable facial features and a Hairstyle that you can spot a mile away!
So don't you go threatening me mister.
((echo evil laugh))
You call that evidence?
I have photographs featuring distinguishable facial features and a Hairstyle that you can spot a mile away!
So don't you go threatening me mister.
((echo evil laugh))
You are always a rebel, why? I bet you were a quiet cute kid who turned evil with horns and a tail :)
Khlasna men H2, now its starbucks, what is next? hashem hashem?
You are always a rebel, why? I bet you were a quiet cute kid who turned evil with horns and a tail :)
Khlasna men H2, now its starbucks, what is next? hashem hashem?
Good job Amunki, just vandalise and leave, don't buy anything...The corporate virus that has eaten up any originality and diversity on the coffee planet deserves a little rebellion.
Have you ever been to one of their promotional get's like a cult getting the 'starbucks experience'...very creepy..
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Have you ever been to one of their promotional get's like a cult getting the 'starbucks experience'...very creepy..
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