Friday, November 19, 2004


Just Another "Manic-Munki"...

(Yes, the title of this post is a bastardized version of that old "Bangles" song "Manic Monday")

Feeling agressive
Amunki is on the loose
Better watch your back

Flashback ------> George Michael's song "Monkey"

(Chorus lyrics):
Why can’t you do it?
Why can’t you set your monkey free?
Always giving in to it
Do you love your monkey or do you love me?
Why can’t you do it?
Why do I have to share my baby with a monkey?

(the bridge)
Don’t look now
There’s a monkey on your back
Don’t look now
There’s a monkey on you


Note: I had a few complaints about my previous template, so I'ma try dis one out...

Note II: Stencil graffiti courtesy of "Banksy".

Finally approved
I am pleased that you are pleased
No more pukey page
Much better Amunki. In your old one, the flooble chatterbox kept on floating somewhere in the middle and the text-input field was usually somewhere lower down and far to the left..
Also in this new template's comments section, you get to see the name of the commentor straight up! (Something I like) Also, in the old one it was hard to differentiate where one comment ended and another began...

Gigi, approvingly
Well done fellas.
I sense that I am being "out-haikued" (yes, I am turning the word into a verb--so I can spell it however I please)...
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