Wednesday, February 16, 2005


What's Your McFaith?

As a staunch atheist, George Carlin (well-known comedian) often denounces the idea of God...

So in mockery, he invented a fake religion (for a contest) called:


---"A belief that when you die, your soul gets flung onto a roof and just stays there and can not be retrieved"...

So Whaddaya say we have our own little contest?

Here's my submission for invent-a-religion:

"Buddhi-ism" (pronounced "Booty-ism")

---"A belief that comp"ASS"ion and tappin' that "Buddhi" are the path to enlightenment..

So go on and submit your own... (Bonus points for originality)

NOTE: The winner gets to spend all of eternity in a heavenly paradise surrounded by 72 nymphomaniac virgins (or some shit like that)

The religion in which faith is measured by how deep into the nose one can push his finger.
The after-worldly rewards are given accordingly with how much wastes are taken out during lifetime.
Of course the guru, or the master, is the one who can reach to their brains.
"we also support world peace; visa and master cared accepted, but batteries not included." piss,.. ehm! peace be upon everyone!
IslamismThe belief that by oppressing woman, gays, minorities and educators the straight man can achive euphoria through "spiritual" slavery.
MariahismThe belief that Mariah is the reason we live and that her albums are true guidance to the euphoric life. (So far, this has been the best one).
Shiffonism The creed that everything can be made better with a little pink shiffon.
Bitchism Too fabulous to describe.

Great entry,
Your kitsch bitch.
Great job everybody... Keep 'em coming...

Here are some more I came up with:

"Crys"-tianity: A religion followed by many "Rapper devotees", where poppin' "Crys" (a.k.a Crystal Champagne) is a rite of passage... Their monks are usually pimped out in brown hooded L.V. robes, and they are known to sport "holy bling".

"Screw-fism": (not to be confused with Sufism). This denomination believes in the "if it ain't going your way, then screw it" mentality...

The religion of all religions, but that no religion at present can be. Because this is a religion that refuses to confine the human into following a set of practices, it is a religion that sees all humans as being on an equal footing, because it is a religion that encourages artistic freedom and does not take away from the pleasure of pleasure.

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