Sunday, October 16, 2005
7 x 7

So I've been tagged yet again...
Here Goes:
I. Seven things I plan to do:
1- Go to Grad School (as soon as I finish that damn portfolio)
2- Start a band (and name it something ridiculous like "Babytoes!")
3- Learn how to be happy with what I've already got...
4- Master the art of Samurai Swordsmanship
5- Get one of my designs built (before I die)
6- Go to Japan
7- Win an Olympic Gold medal in the 100m freestyle (shut up -- it could happen)
II. Seven things I CAN do:
1- Sketch/draw/paint
2- Play guitar/piano/violin
3- Write a MEAN Haiku
4- Build pretty much anything
5- Bench-press my own weight (harder than it sounds)
6- Knit
7- Go many many days with no sleep. No one knows how many really...
III. Seven things I CAN NOT do:
1- Think with my head EVERY time
2- Use LINUX (teach me, Oh Wise One --- you know who you are)
3- Live without my music
4- Kill an animal for sport
5- Sit through an entire evening with my family (ugggh!!)
6- Be in a long-distance relationship
7- Let go of little sentimental things (notes/pics/random objects)
IV. Seven things I say most often:
1- Bitch/Bitches/Biznitch/Biaaaaaach
2- Did you know that .....( insert random piece of trivia) ?
3- Duuuuuuuuude...
4- Fuck/Motherfucker/Mother-fucking-donkey-dog...
5- Ummm, did I just say that out loud? (I thought I was just thinking it)
6- My tummy hurts
7- Uffffff... I hate my job...
V. Seven things I love:
1- Cookies
2- Sunshine
3- My blanket/duvet
4- Halloween
5- Angelina (I don't care how mainstream she's become... I love you A.J!)
6- New-age-crystal-healing-insence-burning-pagan-earthy-hippie stores.
7- Being right...
VI. Seven things I hate:
1- Stupid people
2- Bad drivers
3- Rude/spoiled children (and adults for that matter)
4- Ignorance
5- Tomatoes
6- Crappy Arabic "Dramas"
7- Being wrong...
VII. Seven Random things about me
1- I own a telescope
2- I think high heels are stupid (although I own several pairs)
3- I am a shoe-hypocrite
4- I have psychic tendencies (seriously)
5- I have suicidal tendencies (seriously)
6- I was a junior life-guard
7- I suck at Poker. (Damn, that was hard to admit)
So there you have it...
Feel free to do your own list.
Consider this a "Collective-Tag"...