Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Stupid car of the week # 4

nega is my name

As always... It's Wednesday... i.e. "Stupid car of the week" day...

This has GOT TO BE one of the dumbest ones I have in my archive!

And just in case some of you don't get it, "Nega" is apparently this idiot's version of the racially derogatory term "Nigger".

Cuz he be cool like dat 'n shit...


convengo si...

My reaction too :)

Yes he is wearing the "headgear".
And as for the "European Mom Theory"... Haha. I am only hoping that's his sorry-ass excuse... But I HIGHLY doubt it :p
dis car is teh total pwnage!!!11 ph33r teh ub3r 1337 hax0r!!1
LOOOOoooOOOoOOOOL! Maybe the guy wearing the ghetra and 3gaal is the boy's father and he does not know what he's promoting!
Sharq Side 4 Life.
hahahahaha! I seriously doubt that dude knows what he's got on the back of his car! and if he does... well, that's just troubling... :P good one, amunki! :D
Do you know what spanish fly is used for?

(so2al baree2)
Captain: Duuuuude... "Hacker-speak" is hot.

Jazz Central: Or maybe he's an average "Joe" who works at your local Islamic Society by day, and a "Chocolate" luvva by night.

Nibaq: Represent!

Anonymous: "I fucked yo' couch nigga.. I fucked yo' couch... They shoulda never gave you niggaaaz monnneeeeey". (aaaah...Classic line from OUR hero.)

McArabian: They don't actually "upset" me. It's very entertaining actually... But yeah, the ignorance gets on my nerves... And not to mention the poor grammar/spelling. OMG. Seriously. I have nightmares.

Mama: He hath offendeth both Negas and non-Negas by his proclamation of his favored "game"...
-- Sigh -- Gotta love it when men refer to us as "game" no?

Krispy Dixie: Thanks!
Anonymous # 2:
Concerning your "Spanish Fly" query ----- You commented on the wrong post buddy...

Try again.
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