Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Question of the day...

what would mcgyver do

(Note: Found this at "Threadless" ---> from a t-shirt designed by Glenn Jones)

Use his underwaer and go commando
lol. so go wash with water then wipe dry with underwear?
who the hell is that kid?
hehe I love Mcgyver, buy evian bottle and use that, but not cold one, it will make his butt freeeze.
Yes. That would be the hygenic way.

Yes. That would be the sexy way.

Yes. That would be the meticulous way.

I know, right?

My dear boy... You are so young... I can't believe you don't know the show... Yet another reminder of my age. ((sigh)).

Don Veto:
Yes. That would be the expensive way.

Martha would get one of her "prison bitches" to wipe her clean... (yeah, that's right... I'm sick like that).
I agree..use water and his underwear!!! or he would shred up the toilet paper roll and use it. After all...its recycled paper!
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