Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Stupid car of the week # 9


For those of you who don't get it, here's how it breaks down:

Dash + (cup of tea) = Dashti

Ok... No offense to the "Dashti" family -- I know a lot of them, and might be distantly related to a few somehow, so don't take this personally, but this has got to be one of the dumbest I have seen in a while...

Dash-Tea... It's so retarded.
It's worse than the Kandari family water-carrier logo thing... (You know what I'm talking about , right?)

I mean, it's ok to be proud of your name and all...
But please don't massacre it by doing something stupid like this folks...

Seriously... Think of your poor ancestors...

شكرا للتوضيح
لانى قريتها داش قهوة

زين سؤال...شلون نعرف ان اللى بالكوب شاى؟
يمكن ينسون؟
و لا شاى حليب مثلا
Bu Maryoum:
Yeah, you have a point...

All of these are possibilities...
hahahahahah :P

صديقتي زبيريه تبي تحط شعار بيديانه
How did he think of that?
Even funnier than: Abul = Apple
That's just really SAD.
How lame!
I think I'm gonna use it to tease a Dashti coworker

(Amunki, 7elwa dash o ma 6ila3 bes chinha 3aib)
Oh cool....I'm gonna tell my bro in law to put that in his car. NOT!!! I hope not.
I just read your whole first page and I must say "I LOVE YOU!!". Lol. I will be coming back for more so keep it up.
lol i saw this before , i know this grl t76 her msn nickname [ /T ]

7araaka :p

amunki 7addi 7abba ur blog , grait n9 ur posts tqreban , ur so cool and FUN : )



Dash -
(-) = 3urth
Thanks for your comments folks.

And for you first-time readers/visitors, glad you like the post... Keep coming back for more of Munki's Mania...

[ Stay tuned ]
I would like to take the opportunity to apologize on behalf of all the Dashti family for this ridiculous sticker. We are truly sorry for the lame and unoriginal attempt that some ex family member tried to do to be "cool". We promise you no more "Dash" mokan... Thank you

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