Sunday, January 29, 2006


Stupid Sign of The Week # 3

To Let

Is it just me, or does it look like this says "TOILET" as opposed to "To Let" ?

And ironically posted on this lovely "Receptacle"... (How appropriate)

Here's my problem though:
They want a hefty 1000 kd per month for this supposed "deluxe" villa, and this is how they chose to advertise it?


I think some1 drew an I, thats why :P

(I ryhme)
Wow...How did you manage to find that..Wallah interesting pictures :P
(It was near Sultan Center Salmiya.)
My point exactly...
Why would anyone post their sign there?

All this to avoid paying for a bulletin board space?

When you are that "cheap", how can you expect people to pay you 1000 kd in rent?
LooOOOLL! I know...right? Only in Kuwait Amunki....only in Kuwait. Just like your "Mini Ass. Donghnuts" post....could they not see the obvious?

i think person number 1 is right =P
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