Sunday, February 12, 2006


Yet Another V-Day...

true love

It's right around the corner... So Happy V-day and all that... (even though I don't believe in this sorry excuse of a marketing holiday.)

So here's a card I made in spite of it.

Screw chocolate -- I say go with doughnuts this year...

[Note: Photo and hand-modeling courtesy of "Shady The Magnificent"]

And as always, here's a Haiku:

The hole in my soul
Filled with yet another hole
Somehow, I feel "whole"...

~~Peace, love & loads of sugar ~~

Like Homer Says, "MMMMMMM Doughnuts!"

Can I get one? Pwease?!?!

BTW, Shady is missed greatly!

I always look forward to you greeting cards. My all time fav...the Starbucks one!

But you can't do this to me...put a pic of a sugar glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut and not share! It's been four years since I had one :( I'm with Miyafushi.....SA3ABEEEL!!

By the way, so true that Valentines Day is nothing but a Marketing gimmik.
Crispy Cream is DA best specially when the big red hot sign is on (That's when they make fresh donuts)

"where art though?"

come back
I miss those, can't wait to come back to Kuwait and have dozens of them.
No donuts here :(
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