Saturday, May 13, 2006
Stupid Graffiti of the Week...

Free Boy + Heart & Arrow + Swastika + Greek Cross = WTF?
Ok... So I'm all about the "artist's right to freedom of expression" yadda yadda..
But this is just plain terrible.
Poor composition.
Incoherent flow of "symbols".
Terrible application.
And "Free Boy"??? whaaaaaaa??
It's so bad, it hurts my feelings...
"Street art" in this country needs a serious kick in the @$$.
So, I'm thinking of starting a "Mu7awil Makeover" crew.
Who's with me?
(Note: Image brought to you by - Crap Mu7awil in Jabriya)
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Free boy loves nazi chick!
...which is an ironic relationship when you think about it.
BTW...what were u doing in Jabriya when u took the pic? You could have called me :) Wanna see more graffiti in Jabriya...check out the underground tunnel near N.E.S!
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Free boy loves nazi chick!
...which is an ironic relationship when you think about it.
BTW...what were u doing in Jabriya when u took the pic? You could have called me :) Wanna see more graffiti in Jabriya...check out the underground tunnel near N.E.S!
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